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Commissioner Lewis, Volunteers Unite for a Common Good: Picking up Trash on Roadways




On Saturday, Elmore County Commissioner Desirea Lewis led a group of volunteers to clean up in her district. Afterwards, volunteers focused on some individual projects as well to keep the momentum going.

Eddieca Robertson was one of those volunteers, and after finishing that detail, kept the cleanup going later along Deatsville Highway.

Commissioner Lewis has been involved with several events in the past few weeks to bring attention to the amount of trash along roadways in Elmore County. This initiative is sponsored by the Elmore County Commission, with the hope that area residents will begin taking more pride in their surroundings. Commissioners and area volunteers are planning more events in the future, and encourage everyone to get involved to keep Elmore County beautiful.

“Thank you to all volunteers for helping clean our district today! In total we collected 42 bags of trash and a trash can full.   All of this was done in 4 hours. There is still much to do,” Commissioner Lewis said on her Facebook page.

Volunteers were divided into groups early in the day to cover more ground.

Group A:

Coosada Parkway

Coosada Road

Upper Gibson Town Road

Group B:

Edgewood Road

Cobbs Ford Road

Alabama River Parkway

Group C:

Crenshaw Road

Chapel Road

Cain Road

Group D:

Gossum Road

Gossum Pass

Chapel Road

Group E:

Fitzpatrick Road

Bellingraph Road

Group F:

Copeland Road

Jordan Dam Road

As for Robertson she explained that after helping with the original crew, she felt there was more work to be done.

“Saturday, (after helping Commissioner Lewis) my focus area was along Deatsville Highway between Ross Road and Legacy Park. It was a small effort which turned out to make a huge impact on the road,” Robertson said. “It is my hope, community leaders will schedule cleanups with Keep Alabama Beautiful. The trash and rubbish we discarded are harmful to citizens, animals and vegetation. We appreciate the economic growth and attraction to the Millbrook community. Keeping the streets beautiful makes a huge impact on continued economic attractiveness as well. Even small actions aimed at reducing waste can help us achieve our collective environmental goals.”

Residents are encouraged to promote events where groups can help pick up trash, report areas that are in great need of cleanup, and report to police when you see an incidence of littering. For more information, contact the Elmore County Commission.