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Letter to the Editor: Memo to the Alabama Legislature

From Colonel (Ret) Dale Bain

Millbrook,  AL.   

Dear Members: 

With all of the high priority issues that are lying on the desks, I find it hard to believe that you have the time and fundings to schedule and spend time on what exactly is the State Grass name from now on?  I guess GRASS agriculture is high above the issues in our Schools, Prisons, Roadways, Mental Health, State Budgets, Hospital Shortages, Whether or not Alabama Citizens will ever have the luxury of gambling facilities to waste their family dollars on each day, and, honest and lawful voting procedures…..

Second priority issues can also be scheduled after the GRASS name is settled.  Things like school security, grocery taxes, horrifying traffic experiences, staggering crime numbers, atrocious state water and broadband deliveries.  What comes after second priorities, is way beyond my imagination, however, I can now tell the world we (Alabama) have finally named the best grass category in the world!!