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PHOTOS: Law Day celebrated in Elmore County as Second Graders are Special Guests



DESIRAE LEWIS JACKSON – Elmore County Judge, Attorney

It was a big day for second graders throughout Elmore County Friday as the annual Law Day event was celebrated at the Elmore County Judicial Complex in Wetumpka.

Throughout the day the students and teachers flooded the grounds, with a chance to meet and greet law enforcement, public safety, first responders and area officials. The purpose is to introduce them to the multiple agencies and departments that serve the community every day, protecting the public and the environment. They also had a joyful experience of a court trial involving Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Divided into groups, the students had to decide was Goldilocks guilty of trespassing? Did she invade the bears’ home? It was a delightfully amusing romp through the judicial system, with many of the staff from the court system taking part.

Students from area schools also created posters in honor of Law Day which were displayed in the halls of the judicial complex.

We so appreciate the multitude of people who made this happen yet again, and may have enjoyed it as much (if not more) than the kiddoes.

This event takes a tremendous amount of planning and preparation by so many, but it is a wonderful way for the children to have a positive experience and learn a lot about the different departments and organizations along the way. Thank you to all!

While this was a light side of the law and public safety, as adults we know all too well, there is a much darker side to our reality. Hopefully this was the first experience with public safety and the court systems for these precious young people. But we know that in the course of their lifetime they will more than likely experience something where they are in need of services from any of these agencies. This is such an important way to educate in a safe and fun environment.

Enjoy the huge photo gallery of the day’s events.