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OAHS: Preserving History, and Finding a Few Surprises Along the way at Vine Hill Presbyterian Church



Work continues at the Vine Hill Presbyterian Church by the Old Autauga Historical Society. They have found a few surprises as renovations occur.

According to Larry Caver, with OAHA, A couple of artifacts were found on two pews While they were being cleaned!

“It looks like someone named J. COX carved his name in the back of one of the pews, and someone else left us a historically old piece of gum,” Caver said.

To follow the works of the OAHS, look them up on Facebook. They are working to save older structures in the county for their historical value. They encourage new members to sign up, donate and take part. Contact them on their Facebook page for more information.

Below is a link to an article we ran when work first began to save the church which was deteriorating rapidly. The Church was build around 1887 in Autauga County, and is seeing many restoration efforts.