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Millbrook Civitans Induct New Officers During Program held at Bon Appetit; Ken Gabehart is President

Photos courtesy of Michael Gay

New officers for the Millbrook Civitans were sworn into service during a program Sept. 26 at Bon Appetit.

Officers for the coming year are:

Ken Gabehart, President; Penny Nichols, President-Elect; Susan Stringer, Secretary; Brenda Kelley, Treasurer; Brenda Kelley, Immediate Past President, Alicia Thielen Chaplain and Jimmy Sutherland and Blake Harris, Sergeants at Arms.

Board of Director members are Jan Brown, Darlene Dickey and Charlotte Morris. Retiring Directors are Pat Magdon and Alicia Thielen.

Outgoing President Brenda Kelley called the meeting to order, thanking the members for their incredible service and support over the past year. The roll of members for the Civitans continues to grow, with fundraising that gives back to the community. The club will once again be selling live Christmas Trees the Friday after Thanksgiving at their lot along Hwy. 14 and Oak Tree Road.

Installation of New Officers was done by Charter Member Mayor Al Kelley.

Outgoing President Brenda Kelley presented the Motivational Speaker of the Year Award to Joseph Bradley.

The Civitan Mission:

The worldwide mission of Civitan International is to build good citizenship by providing a volunteer organization of clubs dedicated to serving individual and community needs with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.