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Edward L. Chappell: Finally, a local Fallen Vietnam Veteran will receive the respect he deserves

From Larry Caver

Larry E. Caver, President

Old Autauga Historical Society (OAHS) formally invites the surviving family members, alumni of Autauga County Training School, society members, members of veteran organizations, and the community at large, to attend a special marker installation service for Edward L. CHAPPELL on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 3:00 PM, at Greater Mallards Chapel AME Church Cemetery, 109 County Road 9 North, Autaugaville, AL 36003. The church is located off AL Hwy 14 west of Autaugaville at the Mulberry Community. The installation service will also include the Honor Guard of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 607, of Montgomery.

Edward Chappell was raised in Autauga County where he attended the Autauga County Training School at Autaugaville. He graduated from this school in 1966, and then went to Chicago where he was subsequently drafted into service. He was a PFC in the U.S. Army serving in the 199 Light Infantry BDE (field artillery). He was killed in action on March 17, 1969, at Quang Ngai, Vietnam. His remains were returned to the United States and interred at Greater Mallards Chapel AME Church, Autauga County, on Sunday, March 30, 1969.

Edward’s remains have rested under an unmarked slab for 55 years. Only a few surviving folks remain who attended his burial at Mallards Chapel. In 2023, OAHS initiated an effort to obtain a VA military grave marker for Edward. However, through much red tape, we learned that his service record stated his remains were returned to the US and buried but location was not specified. We obtained copies of newspaper articles, copy of the funeral program held at Mallards Chapel AME Church, and other testimony, but just could not meet the demands being made by the VA after so many years. There was never any doubt of his military service, nor the fact that he was killed in action (KIA). After multiple attempts, and no resolve, members of OAHS and the alumni of Autauga County Training School decided enough was enough. We took matters into our own hands. After 55 years, Edward deserved to be remembered! We raised the needed $950 to purchase the upright VA marble military grave marker, and now we intend to install it at his unmarked grave.

The month of May is when we as Americans celebrate Memorial Day – the day designated when we HONOR our U.S. military service personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Edward L. CHAPPELL is exactly one of the citizens of Autauga County who paid this ultimate price. He was KILLED IN ACTION. We intend to honor him fully. We welcome flowers and other mementos to be laid at his grave. We recommend using RED, WHITE, and BLUE (USA), or BLACK and GOLD, which were his school colors at Autauga County Training School. Please feel free to share this invitation with other parties who may have an interest in this tribute. Always remember- ALL HISTORY MATTERS.

For more information – Email:

Old Autauga Historical Society

P.O. Box 622

Autaugaville, AL 36003