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Handyman for recently deceased couple charged with Burglary of their now vacant Millbrook home



MILLBROOK – On February 7, 2024, an attorney representing the estate of a recently deceased Millbrook resident reported a burglary and theft had occurred in January of this year. Millbrook detectives initiated an investigation, during which it was discovered that the alleged offender, later identified as Michael Smotherman, a 49-year-old Montgomery resident, had been previously employed as a handyman at the residence in question. The alleged offender was aware that the residence was vacant, but contained valuables.

Surveillance video captured from the residence revealed footage of the alleged offender, with an unidentified accomplice, make entry into the residence and leave with property. On February 27, 2024, Tallassee police made contact with Smotherman, who was wanted as a suspect in this case. Smotherman was detained and turned over to Millbrook detectives, who placed Mr. Smotherman under arrest for one count of Burglary 3rd Degree. Smotherman was transported to the Elmore County Jail.

I appreciate the work done by our Criminal Investigations Unit in this case. It’s a shame when people that are hired to work for people attempt to take advantage of situations like this. It’s my understanding that the owners of the residence had passed away recently and the alleged offender had performed work at the residence prior to the burglary and theft. A family that has recently lost a loved one should not have to deal with someone violating their loved one’s property and trust as well. I’m glad we were able to give them some closure with regard to the violation of their property.