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New Laws enacted for ‘criminal enterprises’ and the use of Firearms

From Prattville Police Department

Recently, Prattville has seen an increase in violence involving juveniles, specifically gun violence.   And before folks begin to cry “pRaTTvilLe is TurNinG iNto MoNtGomEry!” (yes, we read Uncut), the problem not just in our city but everywhere, from two building towns all the way to major metropolitan areas.  Whether it is because of gang culture, social media influences or societal problems that go back decades, there have been more and more young adults and kids resorting to carrying firearms and using them during the commission of other offenses or settle problems between each other.  “Reasons” have ranged from protection from others with guns, clout or show of force as if to intimidate others.

That being said, the next edition of “New Laws in Alabama….” relates to criminal enterprises (fancy word for gangs) and the use of firearms, whether possessed, shown or used during the commission of another crime, Act 2023-416 (Sen. Barfoot et al).  This new law enhances penalties, establishes mandatory consecutive penalties, and requires any juveniles to be tried as adults for any criminal enterprise (gang) related criminal activity.  Criminal enterprise is basically defined as any group of three or more persons claiming to be a gang that engage in criminal activity.  So any group claiming a “gang” on any street or corner or neighborhood or random adjectives/nouns/emojis/whatever and doing something a foul of the law, you’ll fall under this definition. 

Additionally, if your criminal enterprise members starts that “gang gang” mess on the streets and are in possession of/use firearms, you’re looking at enhancements on the classes of crimes as well as additional prison sentences and minimum sentencing.  And to address the specific issue of juveniles slinging iron, if you’re 16 or older during the commission of an offense while in possession of a firearm, use or otherwise as a part of the furtherance of said enterprise, you’re looking to be charged as an adult and get to wear some orange jumpsuits in the near future.

Link to the Bill:  (copy/paste)

Regardless of the reason or the causes, we as the parents, teachers, counselors, pastors, etc. have to do MORE to educate and steer our kids away from seeing a gun as the only option to settle differences or using for criminal purposes.  The PD can only do so much to help guide these kids down the right way, but usually we end up involved on the tragic end of the conversation and rely on those persons who are supposed to be doing so before we get involved. EVERYONE needs to do more in making sure kids are safe and know what dangers can arise when they get mixed up with gangs and guns.  Teach them also how to talk to people and not resort of gun violence to solve problems, especially within the schools.  This also includes everyone doing their 9PM Routine every night and NOT leaving firearms in their vehicles, where a good amount of guns we confiscate come from after their stolen from, you guessed it, unlocked vehicles.

As always, call us if you should need us.

#PPD #safestreets #conflictmanagement #talksnotglocks #GangGang

(Please tell me someone gets the meme….)