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Citizens address Prattville Council over ‘sexual’ books at Library

By Sarah Stephens

Elmore/Autauga News

Tuesday night the Prattville City Council finished its regular business, and then opened up to the floor to hear from citizens.

Once again, the majority of speakers were present to talk in favor or against the Autauga Prattville Public Library having open book shelves for younger audiences that include sexual activity.

The Prattville City Council has the ability to appoint three board members for the Library, as does the Autauga County Commission. There is also a revolving member that is appointed by one or the other, to sustain the seven-member Library Board.

The council made it clear that they are not in the business of banning books, and leaves decisions on what books are made available in the library up to the Library Board.

Over a dozen people stood to speak to the council at the end of the meeting about their opinions concerning sexually explicit books, or books on gender choices that are currently in the library. The subject was not on the agenda for the city.

The entire meeting is on video and we will share the link. If you want to see to the section of public comments for and against the sexually explicit books, jump to around 27:30. The link to the video can be found at

This subject was also covered in public comments from the prior meeting two weeks ago. The comments come after the regular business has been addressed. That video can be seen here –

What are your opinions? Suggestions have been made that the council could intervene, or that a separate section of the library could be established for books with a sexual nature.