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Community Creek Crawl F(UN)-RUNs Becoming a Monthly Staple in Downtown Prattville

By Tatum Northington

Elmore/Autauga News

The Creek Crawl F(UN)-Run is a one-mile, free, social fun run/walk open to all ages and skill levels hosted by Ladies Fitness Boot Camp and the Autauga Creek Craft House. The run starts and ends in the back parking lot of the Autauga Creek Craft House on Tichnor Avenue and travels through Downtown Prattville along the Autauga Creek. This event has been happening for a few months now and continues to grow. 

The group calls it a F(UN)-RUN because you can run, jog, stroll, or walk, and you can bring the whole family to participate.

Amy Bowen (Ladies Fitness Boot Camp) and Paige Hartley (Autauga Creek Craft House) have been friends for over 30 years, and they decided to start hosting a monthly event to get members of the community out and active. They also wanted to provide a way for members of the community to come together and meet new friends and network.

Hartley told EAN “If you wish to participate, just put on your walking shoes and join us each month. You can do as many laps of the one-mile course as you like. Adults are also invited to stay after and enjoy drink specials at the Autauga Creek Craft House.”

This event is held on the first Monday of each month, weather permitting, at 6 p.m.., and all are invited to join. Hartley said “We post this each month as an event on Facebook. We would love for you all to join us and if you have any questions, please send us a message.” Follow them now and enjoy meeting new friends, maybe have a drink, all while participating in the community.