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OAHS to Hold Quarterly meeting July 9 at Autaugaville UMC



Old Autauga Historical Society (OAHS) will hold its next quarterly meeting on Saturday, July 9, 2022, at 10 AM at Autaugaville United Methodist Church.

We will try to open the doors about 9 AM for folks to see historical items. Members, guests, and the general public are invited to attend! This is a FREE EVENT.  The original theme of the meeting was the bicentennial history of the Methodist Church (1822-2022). However, we are expanding the displays and artifacts to include anything related to the history of AUTAUGAVILLE.

We will have displays on Hicks Memorial School, Autauga County Training School, etc. If you have historical photos or artifacts on Autaugaville we can display, please contact Jennifer Shackelford McBride or myself at:

Are you Interested in OAHS Membership? If so, contact President Larry Caver at

Membership in OAHS is open to all persons regardless of their residency, race, political, and/or religious affiliations.

Annual dues are $10 per person. Dues are payable in January of each year. Members may pre-pay one additional year’s membership, but no more than one extra year can be paid as dues at any given time.

Effective January 1, 2021, members may opt to receive hard copies of historic quarterlies by the mail for an additional $40 per year.

The optional fee will cover printing and postage expenses.

Members are also able to make additional contributions towards any OAHS project or event such as cemetery maintenance, old church or school renovation project, etc.

Members are encouraged to designate contributions to a specific project. Otherwise, additional contributions will be allocated based on the 80%-20% cost allocation basis currently in place.