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Remembering Wayne Scoggins: His Gift to the ‘Creek Freaks’ Put to Use as Autauga Creek Cleared


Wayne Scoggins and his beloved Keiko. (Photo by Sarah Stephens)



As summer draws near, Kayak and Canoe enthusiasts will be descending on downtown Prattville to float the beautiful Autauga Creek.

More than just a beautiful creek, and a great spot to take a dip on hot days, the location offers amazing opportunities and adventure.

But were it not for the efforts of the Autauga Creek Improvement Committee, including countless volunteers keeping the creek clear of debris, that would not be possible. A group was out this weekend, doing what they do. Removing large, downed trees and other debris to keep the route open.

In his part of volunteering this weekend, Prattville resident Skip Lobmiller also shared his memories below of Wayne Scoggins, a Prattville resident who was well known in the downtown community. While Wayne is no longer with us, his memory and generous gifts over the years remain.

From Skip Lobmiller, Autauga Creek Improvement Committee

“In Loving Memory & Honor ~

Of a small, elderly, friend with a HUGE HEART who was no longer physically capable of helping IN the waters of the Autauga Creek Canoe Trail. He called me aside one Saturday spring morning several years ago, as the Chainsaw Crew was beginning to deploy on a Clean-Up mission.

“Skip…I wish I could go with y’all today, but as you can see, this ol’ wheel chair scooter would probably sink quickly. I seen on your Facebook page where y’all could use a much BIGGER chainsaw for those larger trees downstream..

I want you to go pick out the biggest saw y’all need and let me know where I can go buy it.”

“Aww Man, Thanks..but we got plans to get us a BIG one later this year hopefully, we’re going to earmark this year’s Splash For Cash Kayak Race FUNdraiser for just that…those things are pricey.”

“Skip – go pick out that saw THIS week, send me the location. If I have to pick it out myself…I might get the wrong kind. Y’all gonna have a BIG saw next weekend before launching on another cutting cycle. Send me info please sir,” he said, as he wheeled off with his faithful and constant companion Keiko in his lap.

RIP our Dear Friend Mr. Wayne Scoggins …

Today’s ACCOMPLISHMENTS were because of YOU.

 Autauga Creek Improvement Committee is forever THANKFUL my friend.


We thank Skip for allowing us to share his memories. If you are new to the area, or perhaps never met Wayne, you missed a good one. Below are more photos of the work day, thanks to Joseph Smith. Below that is a link to an article we published about Wayne shortly after his death. His memory and generous gifts to the community are a lasting legacy. No one will ever really know about all of those gifts, as he chose to remain anonymous.

But there are times when I am walking in downtown Prattville, usually around Fox’s Pizza, that I think I see a glimpse of him, rounding a corner on his scooter, that big American flag proudly waving on the back. If only….