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Volunteers, Officials Helping to Keep Elmore County Beautiful; Other Events Planned



For several months, area volunteers, agencies, neighborhoods, and public officials have been working hard to get the word out about an obvious litter problem, and trying to find solutions.

Part of that solution has been untold numbers of volunteers and officials pulling up their sleeves, putting on gloves and picking up trash on roadways across Elmore County.

There are more events planned in the near future over the next week. We will mention some in this article we are aware of, but if your agency or group has one planned, please let us know by email information to

But there is another possible solution out there as well.

Millbrook Police Chief P.K. Johnson said he travels daily along Deatsville Highway, Main Street and throughout many parts of his city. He, too, knows there is a litter problem and he is working through the court system to enable a way for those found guilty of some crimes to be put to work picking up litter as part of their community service.

“I have spoken with both Municipal Court Judge Lynn Bright and Mayor Al Kelley about this. We are working on a plan where people arrested by our officers who are sentenced to jail time may be afforded the opportunity to do community service, including picking up trash in our city,” Johnson said. “Believe me when I tell you I am as aggravated as anyone, because this is my home and I am disgusted by the amount of litter that piles up on our roadways and some areas.”

Many people would like to see more arrests and higher fines relating to litter. But there is a problem that officers encounter on a regular basis.

Without a witness to the actual event, or perhaps suspects caught on cameras, officers cannot arrest someone simply because their name is on a piece of litter. There has to be tangible proof that the person who is identified on the information is the same person who actually through the trash out illegally.

“When we move on this plan for community service and litter removal, we will have to coordinate a program through the court, police and street departments,” Johnson said. “We are working out details, but want to make this a reality in the near future.”

When it happens, it would be a citywide program, sending those on community service to whatever areas has the most critical need. They would have to be supervised and the hours they worked logged.

“This would definitely not follow under the honor system,” Johnson said.

This past weekend, groups throughout Elmore County picked up trash, creating much cleaner spaces and almost 300 full bags of trash.

On March 20, Millbrook City Council members are teaming up with three area churches to have a citywide clean up day.

The churches involved on that day include Robinson Springs United Methodist Church, St. Michael and All Angels Church and Millbrook Presbyterian.

Council member Jaquelyn Thomas is asking for volunteers to meet at Village Green Park March 20 at 8 a.m.

Hal Hodge is organizing a clean up event in Ward 5, which includes Deatsville Highway and Myrick Road areas.

“For the group at Myrick Road my Employer, ASE Credit Union, will be providing T-shirts, and water. I will also have safety vests, trash bags, and trash grabbers. All you need to do is show up. Thank you for serving our community,” Hodge said.

 He is asking for volunteers to meet at the empty parking lot by Dollar General on Myrick Road.

Council President Michael Gay and Council member Jimmy Harris will be assisting groups along Main Street.

If you are interested in making a positive difference, please contact one of the three churches mentioned, your Millbrook City Council person, the Elmore County Commission or feel free to organize your own.

For those events mentioned March 20 in Millbrook, volunteers will be given trash bags, safety vests, water, gloves and pick up implements.

In speaking of volunteers who helped this past weekend, or at other times recently, County Commissioners thanked them saying their efforts are not going unnoticed and are very much appreciated.

Commissioner Bart Mercer – “I appreciate the hard work by friends and members of the Elmore Fire Department as we removed 40 bags of litter from along Ceasarville Road Saturday morning. Combining our 40 bags with total bags removed Commissioners participating in litter clean-ups from across the county are reporting equals 225 plus bags of litter removed this past weekend. Additional county road litter picks-up are scheduled in the near future. We appreciate everyone doing their part to keep Elmore county clean.”

Commissioner Henry Roulett Hines Jr – “What a great day in Elmore County, we had volunteers all over the county picking up the litter on the roadsides. Thanks to each and everyone of you for picking up 272 bags of litter and all kind of items. Making Elmore a great place to Live!!! Remember to be part of the solution not the problem!”

Commission Chairman Troy Stubbs – “The Anti-litter critters are popping up all over Elmore county! Please do as much as you can to be a part of the solution. There’s plenty of opportunities to participate and numerous habits we can all change to keep Elmore county beautiful!”