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Smith Center in Prattville Trying to Make the Most Out of COVID-19 Situation

By Andrew Edwards

Staff Writer

The Smith Center in Prattville is a membership organization open to all persons who wish to advocate for and support persons with intellectual disabilities. Their mission is to educate, train, support, and advocate for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities to enable them to reach their maximum potential as participating members of society.

However, because of COVID-19, the Smith Center has had to change the way that they operate – like most businesses. Normally, the center would have cars and buses of residents dropped off on a daily basis. That’s had to change.

Executive Director of the Smith Center Jess Butrica answered several questions pertaining to how the operations are being handled during this time.

Q: How has the Smith Center adjusted in the face of COVID-19? Are hours still the same or have they been modified?

A: AWE/Arc continues to operate during this COVID-crisis. Day programming and supported employment services, however, are closed until further notice. We stopped those services on March 17th and the plan is to reopen May 4th.  But with the prediction for these next few weeks to be the height of the illness nationwide, I foresee the closure extending through May. A lot will depend on the weeks ahead.

Q: With social distancing in place, are people even still allowed in the building? If not, how have you been able to provide your services to those in the community with intellectual disabilities?

A: We are not allowing non-employees into the Smith Center building, the Early Intervention office or any of the group homes at this time. The risk for transmitting the virus is just too high and the conditions in the group home setting are nearly perfect for a virus this contagious to run rampant! Prior to closing the Smith Center last month, our staff did a thorough cleaning of the entire building and vehicles. Since then, I’ve minimized traffic in and out of the facility, only allowing administrative staff to come in and out, periodically, with strict protocols for safety & sanitation in place. I’ve emphasized working from home, if possible. 

Autauga/ Western Elmore Arc service recipients who reside in our agency’s group homes are remaining home at this time. Our houses are staffed 24 hours now and they’re following the orders of our Governor to shelter in place. Our medical staff put out very strict guidelines for screening Direct Support Staff as they come on shift. This means that we are screening anywhere between 16-24 staff on a daily basis.

Like all of us, AWE/Arc residents are going a little “stir crazy.” This is out of their norm and it’s up to the staff to help them get creative in coming up with activities to pass the time that would otherwise be spent with their friends in Day Hab. They’re resorted to using video messaging to communicate with friends and family; they have a plethora of board and card games, and they’re enjoying outdoor activities in their yards. But they miss going places in the community. We have worked so hard to teach people that they have control over their lives in choices of where and when they go places- only to have all of that come to a sudden halt. It’s a hard concept for most people to grasp, let alone the population we serve who may need a little more training and encouragement in self-determination. It’s tough. But we have some wonderful staff who really take time to help in any way they can.

For those who attend Day Habilitation or Employment services only through AWE/ Arc, we unfortunately have not been able to serve them during the closure. Some live in other residential settings, while others are residing in family homes. Our thoughts are with them, and I know we all are wishing this will pass soon so that we can get back to some sort of normalcy.

Q: What has been the Smith Center’s message to everyone during this crisis, especially those who need your services?

A: If you know anything about the Smith Center, you know that the health & safety of those we serve is at the forefront of what we do. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! But, in order to best do our jobs, we need healthy employees! The Smith Center, or as I like to say, we “Smithies” are STRONG! We are family, and family takes care of each other, no matter the cost. When the time is right, we will resume all of our services and we will come back stronger than ever!