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Pine Level City Council appoints Jae Gray to fill vacant council seat 

Malia Riggs 

Elmore Autauga News 

The town of Pine Level has officially filled the vacant City Council seat that has been vacant for just over one month. Pine Level Mayor Zahary confirmed Jae Gray as the newest member of the Pine Level City Council.  


“With Mr. Gray’s appointment and our council seats are now full, the town can move forward into the future in helping lay the foundation for the town of Pine Level, Alabama,” Bigley said.  


The seat was formerly held by the late James (Micky) Cothran, before his abrupt passing at the start of the year in mid-January. At the council meetings last month, the council left an open seat for Cothran to commemorate his work for the incorporation and his love for the town of Pine Level. 


“The vacant seat left by Micky Cothran who unexpectedly passed earlier this year was an unfortunate hurdle this council has had to navigate,” Bigley said. 


Cothran played an inaugural role in the incorporation of Pine Level, and even after with his short time serving on the council. 


However, now with the seat filled by Gray, the town can move forward with business while also honoring Cothran’s enthusiasm for the newly incorporated town.