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Judge Sanders Seeks to Keep Serving Autauga County


Governor Ivey appointed longtime assistant district attorney Jessica Sanders to serve the people of Autauga County as District Judge because of her experience and commitment to protecting Autauga County.

Now Judge Sanders is keeping Autauga County safe by taking a tough on crime stance against those who break our laws and endanger our families.

Judge Sanders is the experienced, fair, and tough Judge we need in Autauga County. “I’ve devoted my life to the families and children of our community and state,” Sanders said. “I’m humbled to get to serve my community as District Judge and am asking for your vote on March 5th.”

Judge Jessica Sanders is a lifelong Constitutional Conservative. She’s an unashamed Christian, and wife. Jessica is guided by her faith and experience on the Court to treat every person with respect, dignity, and fairness. She’ll never back down from her traditional conservative values and will always put the families of Autauga County first.

Jessica and her husband, Russ, live in Prattville, where they are actively involved in their community and church. The Republican Primary is on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.