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Frigid temperatures on the way for Central Alabama; Prepare Now



We all know how the weather works here in Alabama. It can change in an instant.

However, with that in mind, the forecast for the coming week is something to take note of, absolutely.

Certainly be mindful on Friday, as we are under a threat of severe thunderstorms. But the look forward could bring drastic changes as well.

According to the National Weather Service, our area of Alabama could see a low temperature of 13 degrees for Tuesday, Jan. 16. Now is the time to think about Pipes, Pets and People.

Prepare and protect your pipes, have a plan for your pets to give them a safe environment, and think about your people – family and your neighbors.

Then, on Monday, Jan. 22, the early forecast is for potential snow/rain showers. But I refuse to get too happy about that, because it could change. But I can hope!