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Prattville Elementary selected to host ‘No Phones in the Cone Zone’ safety presentation

From Rebecca W. Thomas, Communications Coordinator

Construction signs, traffic cones, and large equipment greeted Prattville Elementary School families during morning drop-off as the backdrop for today’s safety presentation designed specifically for elementary students. Prattville Elementary School was one of just five schools selected to host this fun and interactive presentation promoting awareness about the dangers of distracted driving in a work zone.

Millie, the star of the show and America’s Work Zone Safety Dog, shared her lifesaving message, alongside her best friend and handler Morris King, of “no phones in the cone zone.” The certified therapy dog and published author travels the state asking students to join her team as she works to empower elementary students to encourage drivers to stay focused and drive undistracted. In addition, she wants to teach students the importance of distraction-free driving so they carry these truths with them when they become old enough to get behind the wheel.

“We know the grind we all have as parents,” said Lyman Woodfin, superintendent of Autauga County Schools. “Sometimes we may pick up the phone when we shouldn’t, so having our child there to remind us to be safe, especially during construction zones, is a great resource.”

Fourth-grade students took part in an interactive learning session hosted by Millie and Morris King before getting a chance to pet Millie, snag a copy of the Lessons from MILLIE: You Play a Role in Work Safety coloring book, and see the construction equipment parked on the school’s front lawn.

“I’m so appreciative of Alabama AGC for supporting me and promoting this initiative,” commented Morris King, board president for the 2023 Alabama AGC Associate Board. “Nothing is more important than the safety of our workers on the job. I hope this teaches the kids that they can have a role in this no matter how young they are.”

The No Phones in the Cone Zone safety presentation is a partnership between the Alabama Associated General Contractors, Millie the Work Zone Safety Dog, the Alabama Department of Transportation, and the Alabama Law Enforcement Association.

About Autauga County Schools

Autauga County Schools (ACS) is a 14-campus public school system in Autauga County, Alabama, dedicated to fostering the whole student in an academically rigorous environment where everyone is known and valued by creating pathways designed for success. Learn more at