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Jesaca Wilson’s ‘Fountain of Knowledge’ Logo wins Alabama Master Gardener Association’s Contest


Autauga County Master Gardeners Association is pleased to announce the winner of our 2025 Alabama Master Gardener Association’s Conference Logo Art Contest.  The winning drawing by Jesaca Wilson depicts the theme of Fountains of Knowledge, Learn, Grow, Share.

Jesaca Wilson has been a resident of Autauga County since 2015. Originally from Pensacola, FL, she transplanted here with her husband’s job.  Travis and Jesaca have been married for 21 years.

Jesaca homeschools their four children, ages eight to 20. She has been a professional photographer for the last 10 years and is currently employed as the studio manager for P’zazz Art Studio in downtown Prattville. She teaches children and adult art classes at P’zazz.

Jesaca is a member at Glynwood Baptist Church, where she holds the position of Women’s Ministry leader. She loves to serve others and strive to shine the light of Jesus in all that she does.

ACMGA is proud to host the 2025 AMGA Conference in Prattville, AL, April 3-5.  First Baptist Church Prattville will be the hosting site. Everyone is welcome to attend but registration is required after January1, 2025.

Jesaca Wilson