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Prattville Church of Christ VBS event Goes Above and Beyond for fun Education

From Val Brown

Prattville Church of Christ

A recent Vacation Bible School “A Royal Adventure” at Prattville Church of Christ went all out with decorations during their four-night study for area children. The focus were the qualities of four kings from the Bible: Solomon (wisdom), Hezekiah ( loyalty), Nebuchadnezzar ( humility), and the King of Kings, Jesus (Savior).

Children enjoyed skits, puppets, singing, crafts, live actors telling Bible stories, and snacks!

Over 120 volunteers served each night to assist the children and over 60 were involved in the decorating.

Each night began with a humorous skit led by John Mark Stephenson, our young adult minister. That is where the students were introduced to the king we were studying each night.

We turned our fellowship hall into a castle, complete with a throne and a kings’ table as well as stained “glass” windows and banners and shields. The walls, inside and out) were covered with hand painted paintings to resemble castle walls.

The foyer was decorated as the outside of the castle and featured a knight on a horse and a wooden bridge over a moat.

Our teens taught our children with a puppet show and singing each night led by our youth minister, Jason Green, and our young adults entertained the children with games and live skits.

The “King of the night” sat on the throne to talk about his life and teach the Bible verse each night.

The snacks each night we’re themed to with the Bible story of the night, and our crafts were medieval themed.

The Bible story each evening was taught by our minister, Brent Missildine, and he dressed the part of a poor peasant as the lessons were taught in “his” peasant house! On the way to the craft station, the children interacted with peasant actors pretending to sell their wares!

Adults also had lessons about the kings their children were learning about and enjoyed a time of fellowship afterwards munching on homemade goodies.