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Opening Day celebrated at Prattville YMCA’s Field of Dream

“May we raise children who love the unloved things”

Nicolette Sowder

May we raise children who love the unloved things- the dandelion, the worms and the spiderlings. Children who sense the rose needs the thorns and run into rainswept streets the same way they run towards the sun…

And when they are grown and someone has to speak for those with no voice, may they draw upon that wilder bond, those days of tender tender things

And be the ONES!



This past Saturday was a cold windy wet day but that wouldn’t put a damper on opening day for the 9th season of the Field of Dreams. This year they have 141 players playing on 14 teams.

Saturday was a day of renewed friendships and new friendships alike. Going from 10 teams last year to 14 teams this year is a growing pain that most leagues understand. With growth comes more responsibilities and more volunteers. I was asked by a new coach what to expect. My reply was to sit back and have fun. These kids will show you their energy and you just roll with it. To be able to participate in sports that maybe they have never had the opportunity, sparks a glow, a feeling that is contagious. It’s a feeling that will fill your heart to overflowing.

The day started with the usual thanks to the involvement of our sponsors who, without them, none of this would be possible. But there was a solemn moment to say a prayer and take a get well pic for one of the founding players, Copeland Spires, as he continues to fight his way back to better health at Children’s in Birmingham.

You see, there are a lot of things that are unsaid when you have a child with disabilities but the main thing that the Field of Dreams offers is the love for one another. This is regardless of the disability. We are friends, we are family, because we know what its like to be the ONES

The Field of Dreams is a nonprofit sports organization operating under the YMCA Prattville Bradford branch, located on McQueen Smith Road, under the direct supervision of June Dorough. She can be reached directly at 334 558 1367. Please reach out to her if you have any questions.

The Field of Dreams is more than just baseball. Other sports are offered throughout the year so participants are able to be included in everything from Kickball, Flag Football, Cheerleading, multiple clinics that cover basketball and volleyball and anything that the imagination can come up with to help offer ways for everyone to be active and have fun. A valentine’s dance has been started allowing everyone to get together and enjoy along with a yearly Christmas party for all participants.

The Field isn’t just a place to play, its also a place to grow and belong.