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Benefit Set Feb. 18 at Harley-Davidson of Montgomery for Gardner Family of Autauga County

A benefit fundraiser for the Gardner Family, who lost four members in the January tornado in Autauga County, will be Feb. 18, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Harley-Davidson of Montgomery.

There will be live music, food and raffles.

Robert Gardner Jr., 70, and Deanna Marie Corbin, 59, were killed in the 800 block of Sandy Ridge Road. Gardner and Corbin lived in the same residence. Christopher Allen Corbin Jr., 46, and Tessa Celeste Desmet, 21, were killed in the 1000 block of Sandy Ridge Road. Corbin Jr. and Desmet lived in the same residence. They are related to Robert Gardner Jr. and Deanna Corbin from the 800 block.

Robert Gardner, also known by all who knew him as Bob, was loved by many. He was the father of three girls, a devoted worker, and a jack of all trades. In his 70 years, he learned and mastered many trades and had a variety of hobbies. In his early days, he was a Western model and even the face of Black Stallion Whiskey. Bob enjoyed showing and riding horses with his daughters and won many awards doing so. He loved motorcycles and the time he spent with his wife and friends doing so. Bob was a hard worker. Even at his ripe age, he had desires to build a business that he could pass on to his family. He was very well-known and respected in the construction world. Bob will be greatly missed by his family, friends, and former colleagues. Although his earthly body will be greatly missed, the memories will last forever.”

The tornado wiped out every home on their family farm. The only people who survived was the daughter Brittany, who took her four kids and left just 12 minutes prior. She returned to nothing. Harley Davidson of Montgomery has blessed the family with hosting a fundraiser for all funeral costs and to help rebuild the daughters home and restart the farm.