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PHOTOS: Autaugaville Student Council Hosts Veterans Program Nov. 7

By Tatum Northington

Elmore/Autauga News


The Autaugaville School Student Council hosted a Veterans Program on Monday, November 7, 2022 to honor local veterans and military personnel. The assembly consisted of speakers, music, and ended with the playing of “Taps,” and then special guests were invited to attend a reception immediately following the ceremony.

The ceremony was led by 9th Grade Class President Tori Parker as the Mistress of Ceremonies. She emceed masterfully and the program ran smoothly. The Prattville High School JROTC along with MSgt Larry Smith attended and helped with the Presentation of the Colors while Autaaugaville Students, 11th Graders Makasiah Burns, Zacarria Phillips, and 12th Grader Arianna Steele sang a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem.

Alabama State District 69 Representative, the Honorable Kelvin Lawrence, was invited to share his thoughts on why Veterans Day is important and explained to the assembly attendees why we should have gratitude for all who have served. Next, the “Armed Forces Medley” was played and all in attendance were asked to stand when their branch’s song was played. When the song ended, 9th Grade Student Kevee Tyus then recited an emotional poem by renowned Harlem Renaissance poet, Melvin B. Tolson titled “The Unknown Soldier.”

Autaugaville School invited Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Cleveland Gavin to be their guest speaker and he commanded the room accordingly. Dr. Gavin spoke about the importance of community involvement and that students should begin to care about their community right now. He expressed his gratitude for what the military did for his life and how he appreciated all he was able to do because of his service in the Army. He encouraged students to look into joining the service but mostly encouraged them to care about the community in which they live and to truly be involved in making it a better place to live and raise families, telling them it started and ended with them.

When he finished he was given a standing ovation and then the program continued. Parker explained what a folded flag represented and why folded flags were given at military funerals. She asked all to stand quietly as a rendition of “Taps” was played to honor those who gave their lives in service of the United States. Autaugaville School Principal Rodrick James spoke and gave closing remarks while addressing that he had children currently serving in the military and thanked all in attendance.

Autaugaville School cares and all military service members are appreciated.