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PHOTOS: Elmore County Law Day proves that Learning Can be Fun



Elmore County Law Day brought in hundreds of elementary students from our area Friday to the Judicial Complex in Wetumpka for a day of fun, meeting first responders and learning about different branches of law enforcement.

This year, the court case presented to students, who served as the jury, covered the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Did she unlawfully steal the porridge from the bear’s home in the woods. Yes, according to the students, who after hearing from the prosecutor and defense attorney, found Goldilocks guilty!

With static displays and demonstrations, students from across Elmore County met a lot of law enforcement officers, court officials and first responders.

This event is hosted by Elmore County Commissioner Desirae Jackson and her brother, Circuit Court Judge Bill Lewis. It has a lot of moving parts, and takes everyone working together to make it a success. Friday’s event was a huge success, according to both officials and students we spoke with. It is proof that learning can, indeed, be fun.

Thank you to the sponsors that make this happen each year, participating schools, and everyone who took time out of their day to be a part of this important event.

Second graders attending came from public schools throughout Elmore County, as well as Edgewood Academy.