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Eagle Scout Drew Powell partners with Wetumpka Impact Crater Commission

Eagle Scout Drew Powell was looking for a community service project that would fulfill his scout project requirements and make an impact our community. After discussing his project with Crater Commission Chairman Kevin Reuter, they had found the perfect opportunity.

Wetumpka is one of the best-preserved marine craters on planet earth. This was advertised on the main thoroughfare, Hwy 231.

However, about two years ago a pretty rough storm destroyed that signage. Fortunately Drew created a new construction plan, list of materials, floated his plan through scout leadership for approval, and recreated the signage for Wetumpka.

The Crater Commission has tours in late winter, February/March time frame when the foliage is still dormant. These guided tours help educate both residents and tourists on one of the most horrific disasters that shaped the Wetumpka landscape.

For more information, please visit for tour dates/times