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Elmore County Schools Create Strategy to Combat Mental Health Issues

Rashawn Blassingame

By Hamilton Richardson

Elmore/Autauga News

With schools out for the summer, the memories of recent school shootings are still fresh in many educators’ minds and strategies are being reinforced to deal particularly with the students’ mental health in preparation for the next school year.

With school-based shootings and suicide as two current and significant issues across the country, schools are making sure they know how to help when help is most needed.

Rashawn Blassingame, who is the Special Education Supervisor, School-Based Mental Health Coordinator, and 504 Coordinator for Elmore County schools, is busy making sure when the new year starts, the mental health of the county’s students are a top priority.

“I am the go-to person when there is an issue with mental health and I then filter it to the schools, parents and local agencies if needed,” said Blassingame, adding that the student’s mental status and stability are her first priority. “I generally try to talk directly to the students or have the counselors talk directly to them to check on their overall status. If a student is in a crisis, we will notice the warning signs and seek help.”

Each counselor and nurse goes through a Mental Health First Aid training so schools are prepared for a situation should it arise, said the Special Ed Supervisor.

“Each school was equipped with a mental health resource guide and binder and we try to keep them updated with all the latest information,” she said. “We plan to train more staff members and allow everyone a better understanding of the topic that folks don’t like talking about. It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to not get help.”

Blassingame said that it’s important to get more comfortable talking about suicide and mental health issues.

“My goal is to make mental health just as important as our physical health,” she commented.

The school system’s efforts go beyond just the classroom, the counselor said, when it comes to the mental health of students.

“We contact the parents when it’s severe and they (the students) threaten harm to themselves or others,” she said. “We let the students know we are here for them whenever they need and they are our priority. My mental health role is a 24/7 position. Mental health issues don’t just arise during the school hours. Parents, students and staff members know, if there’s an issue after-hours, I try hard to make myself available.”

Blassingame pointed to a system that Elmore County schools use to help manage a potential crisis before it happens.

“We have an A.L.G.E.E. action plan when it comes to noticing the signs of a mental health crisis,” she laid out. “This action is taught during the Mental Health First Aid training. We Access the situation. We look for the risk of suicide or harm. Then we Listen nonjudgmentally. We treat each situation very serious and focus on the status of the child. We do not pass judgement and blow it off, we handle every situation like it’s a priority. We then Give reassurance to allow the students to know we hear them and we are here for them. We then Encourage them to get professional help. Lastly, we Encourage self-help and help them find a support system and develop a physical self-care plan.”

The educator said that the system is partnered with therapists from Carastar Health, formerly Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority.

Elmore County schools are looking toward always getting better at helping students in a mental health crisis so it doesn’t lead to something worse.

“More staff members need to be trained in Mental Health First Aid and become comfortable with a sensitive topic,” Blassingame said. “If we familiarize our staff and students with mental health issues, it makes it easier to talk about and to deal with. The more we know, the more we grow.”