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TALLASSEE: Allegations Released on Possible Criminal/Unethical Acts by Multiple City Officials

This truck was purchased using city funds and for the use of Mayor Johnny Hammock in his former role as Superintendent of Utilities, allegedly without the consent of the Tallassee City Council. The cost was $31,000. The truck is now set to be sold at auction. Hammock was voted out of his Superintendent role by the full council in a meeting last month.



More information has been released from Tallassee City Hall regarding multiple allegations of misconduct and potentially criminal acts among city officials.

We want to stress these are merely documented allegations that were investigated by the City Council, but have now been turned over for further review by an outside agency.

On Tuesday Night the Tallassee City Council approved the resolution referenced below, and authorized their City Attorney, John Smith, to turn over the allegations to an independent, outside state investigative agency for further review. If that investigation shows evidence of criminal or unethical actions, the council said they will take further steps.

The Allegations:

Harassment or harassing communications directed to City of Tallassee employees and officials, among others, the Mayor of Tallassee, the former Building Inspector for the City of Tallassee and the Tallassee Police Chief.

The requirement by the Mayor of Tallassee or its former Building Inspector that employees of the City of Tallassee work on or participate in business or projects that were not part of the operations of the City of Tallassee during regular work hours of the City.

The alteration of purchase orders by the City Clerk and the City’s Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk.

Purchase of equipment, goods and services by the Mayor without the approval of the Tallassee City Council to include but not limited to the purchase of a motor vehicle; expenses related to the Mayor’s campaign for the Alabama Public Service Commission; payment to a business owned or controlled by the former Building Inspector for tree and shrubbery cutting and debris removal; and seeking and receiving reimbursement from the City of Tallassee for certain expenses unrelated to City business operations.

Attempts by the Mayor’s assistant to interfere in or impede the investigation of complaints against the Mayor.

Purchase of certain supplies and goods at the City’s expense by the City Clerk and the City’s Accounts Payable/Payroll Clerk without the approval of the Mayor or other appropriate city official.

Misuse of leave time and inappropriate accrual of leave time by the City Clerk and the City’s Accounts payable/Payroll Clerk.

The resolution reads, “Whereas, the City Council has been unable to resolve these allegations;

Now, Therefore, the City Council of the City of Tallassee hereby requests that these matters be investigated by an appropriate law enforcement agency of the State of Alabama and that, based on the results of investigation, whatever action may be appropriate be pursued.”

All Tallassee Council members signed the resolution, and say they want to get to the bottom of the allegations against multiple city officials.