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Prattville’s Way Off Broadway Theatre Accepting Proposals for Production Seasons

From Barbara W. Simpson

Cultural Arts and Special Events Manager | City of Prattville

Proposals for the Way Off Broadway upcoming production seasons will be accepted through November 15, 2021. Anyone 18 years and older in Prattville and surrounding areas is welcome to submit proposals.

Proposals for plays should include basic information about the play, a brief synopsis, cast requirements, preferred time frame, target audience, technical requirements, production team requirements, cost/budget, and other information that you think would be pertinent to the proposal.

WOBT also is accepting proposals for other activities, such as workshops, improv nights, repertory classes, musical activities, etc. If you are interested in submitting a proposal for events and other activities, you will need to submit information as listed above for plays.

If you would like to propose a play or musical or other event for 2022 or 2023, please complete the proposal form at

or send the information to the Special Events Office at You do not have to be a director to make a proposal.

If you have questions or need further information, please contact the Special Events office at (334) 595-0850.