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A Piece of Prattville History Will Close Tomorrow; Jim’s Restaurant has Been A Place to get Homecooked Meal for 62 years



There is a disturbance in the force for those who love Jim’s Restaurant of Prattville.

The Restaurant announced today on its Facebook page that July 16 is the last day to get those awesome, home-cooked meals. Quite frankly, a lot of people are heartbroken.

It appears the COVID-19 Pandemic was the final straw for this beloved business.

The business was a gathering place, at one time open 24-hours a day. In recent times, they changed to different hours, but one thing stayed true. The food. The hospitality. The waitresses and staff who could call you by your first name, and often didn’t even have to ask want you wanted to eat. “Just the regular!” was heard a lot during our visits there.

We want to thank the family for so many years of service to the community, and the nurturing way in which you took care of your regular customers and strangers.

It is a very sad day in Prattville. We can only imagine what the day will feel like tomorrow when the doors close for the final time with this business.