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Horn Family to Celebrate 118th Annual Reunion

LUVERNE – Make plans now to join us July 19, 2020 for the 118th annual Horn Family Reunion at the Crenshaw County Lake Pavilion, located 5 miles south of Luverne off U.S. Highway 331.

Due to COVID, the reunion has a new location outside this year, as Glenwood Community Center is currently closed. The Horn Family Reunion, held traditionally each third Sunday in July, is the oldest consecutive family gathering recorded in Alabama history.

Relatives and descendants of Richard Whitehead Horn and Rebecca Cox Horn are encouraged to attend. The Horn Reunion’s history dates back to 1903, and was held at the historic Horn Shelter in Glenwood for many years. 

Richard Whitehead Horn and Rebecca Cox Horn settled in what was then known as Pike County in 1826. Later the area became known as Crenshaw County in 1867.

This year’s 118th Horn Family Reunion is scheduled to begin at approximately 11:00 a.m. CST and conclude around 3:30 p.m. A brief business meeting will be held at noon. Lunch will be served at approximately 12:30 p.m., after the business meeting and special recognitions conclude.

The Horn Reunion is held each summer on the third Sunday in July. Family and friends are welcomed to join in the fun as the Horn Reunion is always a popular summertime event in Crenshaw County.

For more details, please contact Becky Horn Rogers at (334) 300-2581, or Ray Horn in Montgomery (334) 315-1112 or Mary Frances Garner at (334) 318-0596.